Why this page? The first Chat aims to give an answer as to why I have embarked upon this new venture in my late 80s. I am finding that, as with many others in my age group, the number of my friends and relatives is gradually decreasing as one after another either passes from this life, or is incapacitated in one way or another and no longer able to be out and about, or to communicate effectively.
Over my long life I have experienced immense changes in living standards, technology, and culture – and yet in so many ways, though the language used to describe them may have changed, the underlying problems of society and human behaviour are the same as they have been since the dawn of history.
In these chats I will be using, and adapting for 2025, some material from talks I gave to women’s groups almost 40 years ago, and I hope to focus on who we are as women in the present-day in the light of the Bible, God’s infallible Word. I bring everything to the touchstone of Scripture, “the lamp to my feet and a light for my path” (Psalm 119:105).
As a widow, having not only lost the man who was my husband and best friend, but also the one who taught me my theology, I would never have embarked upon something like these Chats were it not for the encouragement of the Pastors of the church in Poole of which I am a member. I am so grateful to them for their support and prayers.
I am surrounded, too, by the love, care, encouragement, and support of my family without whom the past 3 years would have been almost unbearable.
I shared the first “Chat” with a friend of many, many years standing. She responded that she had listened to it with her husband and that he had asked if men could listen too. I will leave that up to the men to decide!!
So, below is my first “Chat.” I am posting it on this website as the easiest way for people to access it. If anyone wants to contact me, that also is simplest through the Contact page on the website. Please pray with me that my Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ will be honoured and glorified through everything I say.
- Chat 1 – Introduction – Audio