


HK June 2020


Dr Harry Kilbride was called into the presence of his Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ, on July 30, 2022 at the age of 88 years.

The ongoing purpose of this website is to make available his preaching and writings.



 “For I resolved to know nothing while I was with you except Jesus Christ and Him crucified.”
1 Corinthians 2:2


Featured Sermon:  FO 4 God is – Almighty   –  Audio

Our featured sermon focuses on one of the attributes of God as declared in the opening phrase of the Apostles’ Creed recited weekly in many Christian churches, “I believe in God the Father Almighty…”

The sermon is an exposition of Romans chapter 11, verse 36, “For from him and through him and to him are all things. To him be the glory forever! Amen.”
The verse is examined under three headings: (i) … from him; (ii) … through him; (iii) to him; and asks three questions.


  • A new article has been added to the Articles page. It is entitled, Discipleship – Follow thou ME. It focuses on the account of the Lord Jesus’ meeting with the apostle Peter recounted in John 21, and the challenge presented by our Lord’s questions to Peter, his answers, and their subsequent conversation. Click on: Discipleship
  • A new article has been added to the series on Revival – Power from on High. It is an overview of the life and ministry of Charles Grandison Finney, the great American revivalist of the 19th century, whose methods and innovations have influenced evangelism on both sides of the Atlantic right down to the present day. Click on: Charles Grandison Finney
  • Please continue to pray for our brothers and sisters in so many parts of the world who are enduring seemingly endless wars, natural disasters, and persecution. Every day seems to bring news of more suffering and hardship. Please pray for the various mission entities seeking to bring humanitarian aid and spiritual comfort to those continuing to suffer so much.


In this 21st century when the world is changing so rapidly and becoming increasingly uncertain, we believe that there is one foundation that is sure and unchanging – God’s Word.  Harry’s preaching method is expository, that is, God’s Word explained and applied to every day life.

With the advent of the internet and all the modern technological advances it is now possible to make Harry’s ministry freely accessible to anyone who visits this website.

Harry wrote of his conversion:

I came to faith hearing the message of Christ preached through the evangelist Billy Graham on March 2, 1954 in Harringay Arena, London, England.

Most of my life since 1954 has been spent preaching and teaching God’s Word. The majority of those messages were recorded. We have taken a selection of messages and articles from several sermon series and have put them on this website to be listened to online, or downloaded for later listening. ” All are free of charge.

If you have visited our site have been blessed and/or helped spiritually by the contents therein, please pass on the information to your friends.  Do write to us through our Contact page.


To learn more about Dr. Harry Kilbride, please visit the About page.

To access the MP3 format sermons, please visit the Sermon Series  page.

Harry’s book When the Road is Rough and Steep” contains messages about the hardships we may face in life such as, tragedy, depression, doubt, and anguish. Details of how to obtain copies of the book, either in paperback or e-book format, can be found on the Publications page.
